General Terms and Conditions of Ticketmaster Belgium
These terms and conditions apply to all products and services available online at (hereinafter the "Website") provided by Ticketmaster Belgium SA, hereinafter "Ticketmaster". These conditions also apply to telephone bookings made via the Ticketmaster telephone service referred to on this Website or via any other means of communication. Ticketmaster reserves the right to change these conditions at any time, with said changes entering into force once they are published on the Website. Ticketmaster reserves the right, at its discretion and without prior notice, to suspend or change the Website in whole or in part. These conditions are designed to ensure customers' full satisfaction and understanding of the online ticket booking process. Furthermore, you are also kindly requested to read the Ticketmaster’s Purchase Policy. To conclude a purchase, you will need to acknowledge having read and accepted this policy.
This Website is intended for personal use only. The purchaser will only use the information on this Website to find out about events or promotions or to book tickets or other products for their own personal use. This Website may only be used for other purposes when the purchaser has obtained explicit authorisation from Ticketmaster. Without Ticketmaster's explicit authorisation, deep links to this Website must not be set up for any reason whatsoever.
This Website is not intended to be used by minors. The purchase of tickets or other products is exclusively reserved to persons aged 18 or over who hold a valid credit/debit card issued in their name.
The purchaser must keep all of their login details for the Website (such as their password, etc.) confidential and must immediately inform Ticketmaster if they notice or suspect the unauthorised use of their user account. In such cases, the purchaser is held responsible for the unauthorised use of the Website. The purchaser is liable for any declarations of intention to purchase products or services that are sent using their login details or password.
The purchaser may not use web crawler software or attempt, by any other means (automatic or manual), to control or copy this Website and its contents. The purchaser may not negatively affect the functioning of this Website in any way whatsoever, in particular by deliberately overloading the Ticketmaster system infrastructure. Ticketmaster will take reasonable measures under civil and criminal law against any illegal and/or unauthorised use of this Website, in particular the unauthorised purchase or sale of tickets, the unauthorised copying of the site or the unauthorised application of any web crawler or other software.
No part of this Website may be used for commercial purposes without the prior written authorisation of Ticketmaster. In particular, the resale of tickets is forbidden. Tickets may not be sold privately for a price that is higher than the price indicated on the ticket plus the fees billed at the time of purchase. Moreover, Ticketmaster reserves the right to block the access for any customer or not to accept the ticket order of any customer of whom Ticketmaster knows or reasonable suspects that he/she cooperates with another ticket broker or black-market dealer or that he/she uses automatic programs for ticket ordering or orders tickets above Ticketmaster's maximum number of tickets per person, as specified for each event.
The purchaser may not combine the resale of a ticket with any hospitality, travel or accommodation service and/or with any other goods, products or services to create a package without the formal written authorisation of Ticketmaster and the Organiser.
Tickets may not be used for advertising, promotions, competitions or prize draws without the formal written authorisation of Ticketmaster and the Organiser. Even if this consent is obtained, the use of logos, trademarks and any other intellectual property is subject to the prior agreement of Ticketmaster as defined in Article 14 of these conditions.
Moreover, any breach of these conditions will lead to the loss of the right to access the event in question, with no payment of damages and with the ticket in question being declared void.
Ticketmaster acts as a partner for event organisers, promoters, producers, teams, artists and venues. Under these conditions of sale, "Organiser" refers to the parties who organise or provide the event and/or from whom Ticketmaster obtains the tickets and/or related products or services to sell to the purchaser.
For this reason, under no circumstances may Ticketmaster be held responsible for the configuration of the venue or any change of date, location or price, or the complete cancellation of the event.
Ticketmaster sells tickets under the conditions determined by the Organiser. The quantity of tickets available for sale varies depending on the event. Tickets are generally available through several means including online bookings, telephone booking services, and physical point of sale. These different means have access to the same ticketing system and tickets for popular events may sell out very quickly. Occasionally additional tickets may be released before the event. Ticketmaster has no control whatsoever over the availability of these tickets.
For certain events, tickets may be sold together with promotional material or other benefits or services of interest such as exclusive seating, accommodation, transport, meals, etc. for a lump sum.
The purchaser who places the order is deemed to be solely responsible for the booking and for payment, even where the order is placed on behalf of one or several third parties.
By confirming their order, the purchaser declares that they are aware of and accept
i) these conditions of sale, which are an integral part of the agreement between the parties,
ii) any special terms and conditions that may be displayed on the Ticketmaster Website,
iii) the Organiser's conditions, which can be found on their respective websites, and
iv) the terms and conditions of the venues (including conditions of entry), which can be found at said venues. The application of these conditions and the above-mentioned conditions is a prerequisite for the agreement of Ticketmaster to the contract of sale. The purchaser should read these terms and conditions carefully before making a purchase.By purchasing one or more Items from us, the purchaser acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If the purchaser does not agree with any applicable terms and conditions, or if they cannot comply with any of them, then they must not make a purchase.
The purchaser makes an offer to enter into a contract when they click the "Confirm purchase" button on the booking page for the offer in question. The purchase is final and binding once a transaction number has been created and sent by Ticketmaster to the purchaser.
We inform you that in case of an error of the indicated price, whatever the reason may be (information technology bug, human failure, technical failure,…), the purchase – even if it has been confirmed by us – will be cancelled and you will be informed as soon as possible. At that time you will have the option, should you desire to do so, to confirm your purchase at the corrected price.
All orders are placed subject to verification of the payment card and other security checks. The transaction may therefore be cancelled should it fail Ticketmaster's verification process.
Ticketmaster reserves the right to cancel bookings that it reasonably suspects of having been made fraudulently.
The details of events that appear on the Ticketmaster Website, namely the location of the event and its content, are provided to Ticketmaster by the event’s Organiser. Ticketmaster does not have any opportunity to examine or verify this information. Ticketmaster may not be held responsible for the accuracy of the details provided beyond the provisions of Clause 11.
Updated event details, in particularly those updated on the day of the event, may be obtained from the Organiser's, promoter's or artist's official online announcements or from other generally accessible sources as well as the press.
It is the responsibility of the purchaser and any ticketholder to determine whether an event has been cancelled or whether the date and time or location of any event has been rearranged. If an event is cancelled, rescheduled or relocated, Ticketmaster will make every reasonable effort to inform customers as soon as it receives authorisation from the event partner. Ticketmaster does not guarantee that customers will be informed before the date of the event.
The purchaser and any ticketholder is strongly advised to check any communication about the event from one month before the event, and this in order to also be able to adjust any additional plans (flight, overnight stay, etc.) in time. It is also crucial to always update account information (e-mail address, mobile phone number, ...) in order to be able to be informed correctly and quickly (read also article 11.2). The purchaser and any ticketholder is responsible for strictly following up on e-mails classified in possible SPAM folders.
The advertised start and end times of events are subject to change.
Customers may be limited to booking a specific number of tickets via Ticketmaster for each event. The limit is indicated on the booking pages and should be checked before each purchase. This policy is designed to discourage unfair ticket buying practices. Tickets may be limited to a maximum number per person or per credit/debit card and, for certain events, a restriction may apply per household. Ticketmaster reserves the right to cancel without warning ticket bookings that exceed this number.
Tickets may be sold subject to certain entry or usage restrictions such as, but not limited to, restricted or side view, restricted height, venues with a minimum entry age, non-adjacent seats, etc. It is the purchaser's responsibility to ensure that they have read all of the information provided on the Ticketmaster Website regarding these restrictions at the time of booking.
As well as the sale price of the tickets, admin, delivery and transaction fees, which may vary according to the event, are also charged. These fees are indicated at the time of ordering. No fees other than those indicated may be charged.
The total price for the tickets may then exceed the price indicated on the tickets. The ticket price and delivery fees, transaction fees and/or travel contribution include VAT.
The total price of the order, including all fees, must be paid immediately once the contract of sale is agreed. Payment must be made by credit/debit card and, for certain events, may also be made by bank transfer.
Additional, optional services and/or products such as gift wrapping or insurance may also be offered separately and will be charged in addition to the fees displayed.
Although Ticketmaster aims to ensure that all prices on the Website are correct, errors may occur. If an error is discovered by Ticketmaster in the price of any item that the purchaser has ordered, Ticketmaster will inform them as soon as possible and give them the option of reconfirming their order at the correct price (and crediting or debiting their account as applicable) or cancelling their order. If Ticketmaster is unable to communicate with the purchaser, the latter agrees that Ticketmaster will treat the order as if it had been cancelled. If the purchaser chooses to cancel even though they have already paid the incorrect price, they will receive a complete refund from Ticketmaster.
Platinum tickets are some of the best tickets available for concerts and other events. These tickets may be made available for sale at the request of the Organiser. They give fans guaranteed access to the best available tickets for the event. For such tickets Ticketmaster uses a "dynamic pricing" system which means that the price is determined by the size of the offer and the level of current demand.
Tickets will be shipped via the method chosen by the purchaser, after the contract is entered into and after payment. If Ticketmaster does not comply with an agreed delivery deadline, the purchaser may grant Ticketmaster or the Organiser a reasonable extended deadline. At the end of this deadline, the purchaser is entitled to cancel the contract by giving written notice, unless the tickets have been shipped in the meantime. Withdrawal from the purchase is not guaranteed if the customer has been duly informed that the tickets are ready for collection from the event venue.
Should any tickets be lost in the postal system, the parties agree that Ticketmaster will send the Organiser all complaints. The latter will choose how to resolve the issue and will absolve Ticketmaster of any responsibility provided that it prove that the tickets were lost in the postal system.
Conditions of sale concerning e-tickets, mobile tickets, digital tickets :
E-tickets, once printed on plain paper, constitute the customer's sole entry ticket for the event. They must be printed clearly, with all elements being legible without confusion. Should they not be printed clearly, the customer will not be granted access to the event. Each barcode/QR-code represents one single entry ticket.
The e-ticket will be scanned at the entrance to the event. This ticket may only be scanned once on the date indicated on the ticket. If the same barcode/QR-code is presented several times, only the first ticket that is scanned at the entrance gate will be granted access to the event. The perpetrators of any attempted theft, forgery or fraud will be prosecuted.
Ticketmaster guarantees the authenticity of the tickets provided that said ticket has been purchased from the Website. Customers should therefore not accept any tickets sold by third parties or other websites.
There is no withdrawal right.
In accordance with Article VI.53, 12 of the Belgian Code of Economic Law, the purchaser may not exercise their right of withdrawal in accordance with Article VI.47 for the provision of services related to leisure activities if the contract indicates a specific execution date or period.
Please read our Ticketmaster Fan Guarantee to find our more about other possibilities.
Tickets may not be refunded and/or exchanged in the case of loss or theft.
Occasionally events are cancelled, rescheduled or changed significantly by the team, artist or Organiser for various reasons.
Should an event be cancelled, the purchaser may ask the Organiser to refund the price of the ticket.
If it is agreed between the Organiser and Ticketmaster that Ticketmaster will, in the name of and on behalf of the Organiser, refund customers, the conditions of this Article must be met.
10.1 Cancellation: if an event is cancelled (and not rescheduled), customers will be offered a refund for the sale price of their tickets, excluding delivery fees and transaction fees. If an event is taking place over several days and one or several days is/are cancelled (but not all days of the event), a partial refund will be paid corresponding to the day or days that have been cancelled.
10.2 Rescheduled: unless otherwise indicated in relation to a particular event, if an event is rescheduled, customers will be offered seats/tickets to the advanced or postponed event (subject to availability) of an equal value to their original tickets. If the customer cannot attend the rescheduled event, for which proof must be provided, they will be offered a refund for the sale price of their tickets, excluding delivery fees and transaction fees. Ticketmaster must be informed within the deadline specified if the customer is not able to attend the rescheduled event. If not, Ticketmaster will confirm the booking for the new date and the customer will not be entitled to a refund.
10.3 Material alteration: if an event is materially altered, Ticketmaster will offer the option of either confirming the order for the modified event or providing a refund (of the sale price of the tickets, excluding delivery and transaction fees) by the deadline specified by Ticketmaster. Should the customer fail to inform Ticketmaster of their decision by this deadline, Ticketmaster will consider the order to have been confirmed for the modified event and the customer will not be entitled to a refund. A "material alteration" is a change made by the Organiser, such that the event differs from what the ticketholder could reasonably have expected. The use of understudies in plays or similar productions and/or any change of (i) the opening act, (ii) the members of a group/team, and/or (iii) the line-up of any multi-artist event (for example a festival) is not considered to be a material alteration.
11.1. Although Ticketmaster reasonably endeavours to verify the accuracy of all information it publishes on its Website, it gives no express or tacit guarantee of the accuracy of this information.
The Website is provided "as is" and "subject to availability" for customers' personal information and use only, with no announcements or promotions. Unless otherwise indicated in the specific conditions relating to a given product or service, Ticketmaster gives no express or tacit guarantee relating to the Website or the products or services offered on the Website by Ticketmaster or in its name (including free software downloads) including, in particular, tacit guarantees of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security, accuracy, state or completeness, or any tacit guarantee arising from negotiations, usage or trade.
Unless otherwise indicated in the specific conditions relating to a given product or service, Ticketmaster gives no guarantee that the Website or the products or services offered on the Website by Ticketmaster or in its name (including free software downloads) will meet customers' requirements or will be available continuously, punctually, safely and without errors, that faults will be corrected, or that the Website, its server, the products or the services offered on the Website by Ticketmaster or in its name (including free software downloads) are not infected by viruses or bugs or are fully functional, accurate or reliable. Ticketmaster accepts no liability towards the purchaser in the case of the loss of material or content as a result of the Website loading or of downloads originating from the Website.
The purchaser acknowledges that Ticketmaster cannot guarantee and therefore cannot be held liable under any circumstances for the security or confidentiality of the Website and any information provided on the Website or obtained from it by the purchaser.
11.2. Personal arrangements such as travel, accommodation or other arrangements relating to the event that have been arranged by the purchaser are at their own risk. Neither Ticketmaster nor the Organiser may be held liable for any loss of use or wasted expense.
11.3. In the event of a death, bodily injury or health problem arising from a deliberate breach or negligence by Ticketmaster or a deliberate breach or negligence by one of its statutory representatives or agents, Ticketmaster is liable in accordance with statutory provisions.
For any other damage, the following provisions apply:
For damage arising from gross negligence by Ticketmaster or a deliberate breach or gross negligence by one of its statutory representatives or agents, Ticketmaster is liable in accordance with statutory provisions.
For damage arising from a breach of the fundamental contractual obligations as a result of simple negligence by Ticketmaster, its statutory representatives or its agents, Ticketmaster's liability is limited to the foreseeable loss of such contracts and does not exceed the value of the item that has been sold.
Claims for other losses in the case of a breach of the secondary obligations or of the non-fundamental obligations in the event of simple negligence are excluded.
Exclusions and limits of liability do not apply if Ticketmaster has fraudulently hidden a fault or granted a quality guarantee. The legal provisions on product liability remain intact.
11.4. In rare cases, the seats to which your tickets provide access, may not be available. For example (non-exhaustive list), because the seating plan has undergone modifications, because firefighters have ordered the closure of a part of the room,... In such circumstances, we might need to rebook your tickets. We will then endeavour to provide you with equivalent tickets. In any case, it is expressly stipulated here that all tickets of the same category or the same price range are of similar quality.
Ticketmaster may not be held liable for the acts, omissions or other actions of third-party users, Ticketmaster users, advertising partners and/or sponsors on the Website in relation to the Ticketmaster services or the use of the Website. Ticketmaster may not be held liable for the products, services, or other acts and omissions of the event Website, artist, Organiser or any other third party referred to on the Website or who is related to the Website in any way whatsoever. Purchasers may inform Ticketmaster of any misuse by other purchasers, advertising partners and other contractual partners of Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster reserves the right to investigate these requests and take the necessary measures at its sole discretion.
For any other request for help relating to a previous or current order, please visit the online help section.
The Ticketmaster data protection policy applies to the collection and use of personal data. You can find Ticketmaster's data protection policy here.
The purchaser commits to providing full, accurate personal details on the Website's customer identification form when ordering tickets. Ticketmaster reserves the right to refuse or cancel the order should it suspect fraud. This personal data is collected to fulfil the contract of sale and may be stored in order to ensure that Ticketmaster services are run smoothly and/or to prove that the contract has been fulfilled.
The Ticketmaster logos and design as well as all other trademarks and logos displayed on this Website are protected by Ticketmaster and its commercial partners as registered and unregistered trademarks. These trademarks or logos may only be reproduced or used with the written authorisation of Ticketmaster or its commercial partner. The same applies to all content and software on the Ticketmaster Website, which remain the exclusive intellectual property of Ticketmaster and are protected by copyright law.
The purchaser and any ticketholder may be filmed or recorded as a member of the audience.
The contract is governed exclusively by Belgian law, and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is excluded.
Any dispute relating to this contract, its interpretation or its execution will, in the absence of an amicable solution, be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the judicial district of Brussels.
The following items may not be brought into any event venue: cameras, video cameras, professional recording equipment, alcoholic drinks, glass, plastic bottles, cans, drugs, fireworks, animals, weapons, and sharp objects, which will be confiscated by security. The Organiser reserves the right to ban any other item from being brought into the event venue.
Access to an event implies the acceptance of all preventative measures and checks undertaken by the Organiser or security team, including measures put in place to combat the spread of Covid-19 and body and bag searches. Non-compliance with these measures or any unacceptable behaviour likely to cause damage, nuisance or injury, or impact public safety (including crowd surfing or moshing), may result in the refusal or withdrawal of the right to enter the event, with no possibility of a refund.
Ticketmaster reserves the right to seek redress and/or claim damages should this Article be breached.
Should certain provisions of these conditions be considered null, the parties agree to replace the null or void clause with another clause that complies as fully as possible with the intended meaning of the original clause.