Insurance Company: Allianz Assistance
How can I submit a claim?
If you wish to submit a claim, you need to fill in this form online.
1. Definitions:
- Insurer: AWP P&C – Belgian Branch, (named in the text: Allianz Assistance), situated at Boulevard Albert II 32, Brussels, registered under the code 2769 – venture number: 0837.437.919.
- Insurance holder: the physical or legal person who has subscribed to the contract with the insurer.
- Insured persons: the subscriber and beneficiary of the ordered tickets. The insured persons have to be domiciled in a member state of the European Union or in Switzerland except for those areas that are not a geographical part of Europe and reside there for at least 9 months each year.
In these general conditions the insured persons are being referred to by using terms as “you” and “your”. - Home: your domicile, has to be situated in Belgium or Luxembourg.
- Trip companion: the person with whom you have booked a ticket via Ticketmaster Belgium)and whose presence is necessary for the good progress of the event.
- The insured ticket: the ticket booked via Ticketmaster Belgium for a cultural or sport event. The contract has to satisfy the legal provisions which have been laid down.
- Minor children: children under 18 years of age.
- Illness: a disturbance in the state of health, as a result of a cause other than an accident, and having been certified and diagnosed by a doctor.
- Accident: a sudden and external event, which, independent of your will, causes bodily injuries that are certified and diagnosed by a doctor.
The meanings of terms used in this contract are:
2. The object of this contract:
Within the limits of the conditions and the capitals specified in the General and Specific Conditions, this contract guarantees the payment of the specified sums.
3. The duration of this contract – of the guarantee:
- This contract is valid from the moment of the complete and correct subscription by the insurance holder online and ends at the beginning of the event for which you booked the ticket via Ticketmaster Belgium.
- The guarantee: subject to the condition that premium has been paid, the guarantee takes effect once this contract enters into force, which has to be simultaneous with the booking of the ticket, and finishes at the start of the event.
- Right to renounce: in accordance with the Belgian law regarding commercial practices and the information and protection of the consumer, you can renounce your acquisition until 14 days following the purchase of the insurance. If the subscription took place less then 14 days before the event, the time for reflection is valid until the day of the event.
4. Territoriality:
5. The maximum amount insured:
- The insured amounts represent the maximum possible indemnity for the total duration of the insured period.
- For every order, the maximum insurable amounts are: 200 EUR/insured person in case of the guarantee 'Cancellation'.
6. Subrogation :
Allianz Assistance is subrogated, to the limit of the compensation paid, in respect of your rights and actions against third parties.
If, by your doing, the subrogation cannot achieve its effects, Allianz Assistance can claim from you the compensation paid to the amount of the damage suffered.
7. Prescription:
Any action deriving from this contract is prescribed after three years dating from the event, which gave rise to the opening of the action.
8. Privacy:
Allianz Assistance is responsible for the administration the and gathers personal data related to you which are necessary for the management of this contract (risk assessment and management of the commercial relationship) and possible claims including portfolio monitoring and prevention of abuse and fraud.
By subscribing to this contract, you explicitly authorise Allianz Assistance to administer your health data for the purposes as described above and, if necessary, to communicate this information to third parties (experts, physicians, …).
You authorise your physician to, in case of death, to establish and provide a statement about the cause of death to Allianz Assistance's consultant doctor.
You have the right to access and correct your data.
All fraud or attempted fraud towards Allianz Assistance does not only lead to the termination of the insurance contract, but also to penal prosecution based on article 496 of the Belgian penal code.
9. Correspondence:
Allianz Assistance is domiciled in Belgium, Rue des Hirondelles 2 at 1000 Brussels, and all notifications have to be made to this address. Written communications to you, are validly sent to the address mentioned in the Specific Conditions or to an address that you communicate subsequently in writing to Allianz Assistance.
10. Applicable law – jurisdiction:
his contract is governed by its General and Specific Conditions, the provisions of the law on terrestrial insurance contracts and Belgian legislation. All congratulation or complaint regarding Allianz Assistance’s services can be delivered:
- by letter to our ‘Quality’ service;
- by e-mail:
In case you remain unsatisfied after the handling of your complaint by our services, you can appeal to the Insurance Ombudsman, 35 de Meeûssquare, 1000 Brussels,, fax: +32-2-547 59 75.
All legal proceeding may only be dealt with by the competent courts in Brussels, Belgium.
In addition to recourse to legal proceedings, any claim relating to this contract may be addressed to the Financial Services and Markets Authority, rue du Congrès 12-14 in 1000 Brussels.
1. The guarantee:
The reimbursement of the tickets booked via Ticketmaster Belgium when you cancel the ticket before the start of the event or if you can't attend the event.
2. The insured amount:
The amount insured is the price of the ticket mentioned in the Specific Conditions. This must be equal to the real price of the ticket. If the amount insured is lower than the price of the ticket, Allianz Assistance is only required to provide performances in proportion to the insured amount up to a maximum of this cost.
The maximum insured amount per order is 200 EUR/insured person.
3. Scope:
Provided that the reason invoked constitutes a major impediment, preventing you from attending the event, you can only cancel in the following cases:
- Illness, accident, death or complication occurring during the pregnancy of:
- You;
- Your actual or legal spouse with whom you are living together;
- Any person you ordinarily live with as part of a family;
- Any blood relation or other relative up to and including the second degree or any minor blood relation or relative up to and including the third degree;
- The person who supervises your children;
- One of your companions with whom you would attend the event and whose ticket was simultaneously ordered with yours.
- Your pregnancy as such if the event is scheduled to take place during the last 3 months of the pregnancy and if the contract was entered into prior to the start of the pregnancy.
- Major and sudden material damage to your home, second home or professional premises, which could not be foreseen and this damage absolutely requires your presence and your presence cannot be postponed.
- Disappearance or kidnapping of:
- You;
- Your actual or legal spouse with whom you are living together;
- Any person you ordinarily live with as part of a family;
- Any blood relation or other relative up to and including the second degree.
- You are a professional soldier and you need to depart for a military or humanitarian mission, provided that this mission could not have been foreseen at the time of booking.
You or any person you ordinarily live with as part of a family is called on:
- To undergo an organ transplant;
- For an unexpected and non professionally related military refresher exercise;
- For an unexpected mission on behalf of an official humanitarian organisation;
- For the adoption of a child;
- As a witness before a court, following a court summons;
- As a member of the jury for a Grand Jury trial.
- You need to retake an exam, provided that it takes place during the event and that it is impossible to postpone the exam.
- Your vehicle sustains serious damage during the 4 hours prior to the event preventing you from using it to reach the event.
- The birth of your child during the 5 days prior to the event.
- The theft of the ticket for the event from you home or car with force or traceable signs of burglary.
- Loss or theft of the necessary ID documents (passport, identity card) to go to the event provided that the loss/theft incurs after the booking of the ticket and at least two months prior to the event. An official statement has to be made when the loss/theft of the documents incurs.
- Your presence at work at the time and date of the event is requested in writing by your employer at least 72 hours prior to the event.
- The cancellation for one of the reasons described in the articles 3.1. – 3.11. above of one or more persons who booked together with you and are insured by this contract if, because of their absence, you would have to attend the event alone. This guarantee does not apply in case of a cancellation because of the reason described in article 3.12.
1. The communication of claims in writing:
As soon as possible, and in any case within 7 calendar days, declare the claim in writing to Allianz Assistance.
2. The provision of useful information:
Without delay, and in any case within 30 days, provide Allianz Assistance with all relevant details and answer to all requests for information in order to determine the circumstances and assess the extent of the claim.
3. Medical assessment of physical injury:
You must have the disease, or the injury in the event of an accident, medically assessed, before cancellation.
4. Information in case of physical injury:
Take the necessary measures in order to provide Allianz Assistance with the medical information relating to the person concerned. In addition, authorize Allianz Assistance’s doctors to gather medical information relating to the person concerned. Also authorize the doctor designated by Allianz Assistance to examine the person concerned.
5. Proof of material damage:
Transmit to Allianz Assistance the originals of all documents concerning the circumstances, consequences and extent of your damage. In case of theft or vandalism, immediately demand an official statement to the police authorities closest to the place where the incident took place or where it was first noticed by you.
6. Circumstances for risk assessment by Allianz Assistance:
Policyholders are required, both when entering into the contract and for the duration of the contract, to disclose all existing, new or amended circumstances to Allianz Assistance that are known to them and that they should reasonably consider as information that could impact Allianz Assistance’s risk assessment.
7. Other insurances:
If you benefit from other insurances for the same risk, you are required to communicate the guarantees and identity of the insurers to Allianz Assistance.
8. Sanctions in case of non-compliance with your obligations:
If you fail to comply with one of your obligations and there is a link with the claim, your right to any performance under this insurance policy expires. Not complying with your obligations, wilful omissions or wilfully making incorrect statements with fraudulent intent will always cause you to lose all entitlement to the performance under this insurance policy
Are excluded from the guarantee:
- Any illness or accident and their consequences, existing at the time of the entry into effect of the guarantee concerned. However, is not excluded: an unexpected recurrence or complication, following the entry into effect of the guarantee concerned, of an illness existing when the guarantee concerned enters into effect as long as this illness has been stable for two months prior to the entry into effect of the guarantee, and no treatment has been started or modified during the two months preceding the entry into effect of the contract.
- Psychological, psychosomatic or nervous problems, except if at the time of the claim there is a permanent stay of more than 7 consecutive days in a health care institution.
- Any circumstances except illnesses known or present at the time of entry into effect of the guarantee concerned, that could be reasonably expected to have led to the claim.
- Abuse of medicines, drugs, narcotics or stimulants, drunkenness or alcoholism.
- Intentional or voluntary acts and reckless behaviour except for suicide and suicide attempts.
- Involvement in gambling, crimes or brawls, except in the event of legitimate self-defence.
- Strikes, decisions of authorities, restrictions on free movement, radioactive rays, or the voluntary non-respect of legal or official provisions.
- Wars, civil wars, insurrections, riots.
- Terrorist acts and their consequences.10. Epidemics and quarantine.
- Epidemieën en quarantaine.
- File charges.
- All the consequences of exclusions mentioned in this contract.